Compréhension orale


Listening comprehension   



A écrire dans l'objet du mail de votre réponse :

Compréhension orale



1.           Écoutez l'enregistrement.

2.           Découpez et collez les vignettes proposées selon les indications que vous entendez dans l'enregistrement.

3.           Pour chaque élément, notez la quantité correspondante.

4.           Transmettez à votre Maître du Jeu le tableau complété (scanné ou photographié).



Cliquez sur 'Lecture'
pour écouter l'enregistrement






     La solution

The solution   


The Very Sad Robot


In the park near the school, I can see a very sad small robot
He wants to get bigger so...

On Sunday, he starts to look for some food.
On Monday he wants to eat 4 bananas.
On Tuesday he wants to eat 1 pair of shoes.
On Wednesday he wants to eat 10 books.
On Thursday he wants to eat 2 pens.
On Friday he wants to drink 1 glass of milk.
On Saturday he wants to eat 5 big elephants, 11 tee-shirts, 18 tomatoes and 3 schoolbags.
The next day is Sunday again. The robot is not a small and tiny robot anymore. He is a big robot !
And suddenly... ! He explodes...!!!!


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